Jul 19, 2012

baby regsitries & iced coffee

as i'm nearing the halfway point in my pregnancy, i realized that it would probably be a good thing to start doing some research on baby items so i can know exactly what i want when i go to register. after already spending some time on this, i must say that it's been just a little bit daunting. that's where my iced coffee comes in...

i know, i know. you're not "supposed to" drink coffee while you're preggers but i still like to have an iced brew every now and then.

oh, where would i be without my note cards?

here's to a great thursday & hopefully, completing my baby item search! oh and to all of you cute mommies out there, don't be shy!
tell me about some of your favorite products. i'm all ears... :)


  1. I must say I'm all for keeping things simple and natural. One thing I absolutely love is a baby sling! (Just as an example, this is the one we have: http://www.hoppediz.de/en/gewebte-tragetuecher.html?___from_store=de )

  2. Love that sling! I definitely want to invest in a good one so I can be hands free on those cleaning or shopping days. Thanks for sharing! :)
